Ravens :Spellings, PE, Science week and Google classroom

We are so thrilled that you will be returning to school. We will be adding photos to the blog all week to show you what we have been doing in school during Science week. Below is important information. I am very excited! We are going to have such a fun week 

Science week

  • On Wednesday children may get a little bit messy so could they bring an old t-shirt to wear in school, which will be sent home with your child at the end of the day. 
  • On Friday it would be great if your child could bring in a hoody, and a hat or earmuffs for a sound investigation. If you have a motorcycle helmet that would be amazing! Only your own child will be wearing what they bring in. Your support is always greatly appreciated! 
  • PE this week will be on Monday and Tuesday.   Children can attend school in their PE bottoms and trainers but will be expected to change out of their school jumper into their PE top. 
Google classroom

  • One piece of maths homework will be set on a Friday- Children will be expected to access this homework on Google classroom, to be completed for the Monday.
Spelling: I have attached this week's spelling.

Michelle Weaver
Year 5 teacher

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